Landune – Premasiri Khemadasa (2012)

 Producer: Torana Music Box

In this C.D., I have experimented in 2 ways:

  • I have shown the any range of the human voice can produced on the sitar.
    In playing Premasiri Khemadasa’s film songs on the sitar, I have shown that whatever the pitch singers sing in, I can play in the same pitch. It is very difficult task on a sitar: for example, Nanda Malini’s song, ‘Amma warune’ (song number 2 on CD) is singing on E flat and I play the song in the same scale. Then again, she sings the song ‘ada pamanak nowe apata hetak tiyanawa’ song (song number 4 on CD) on B flat and I played the same song on the same pitch.
  • Only the tabla, flute and bongos are the acoustic instruments used here. All else has been played by me on the computer. I wanted to show that popular music can be played well through technology if used well.